Caswell Bay Beach is a popular sandy cove, named in 2006 in the top 50 best beaches in the UK by The Guardian newspaper. There is a popular coastal Path to walk around the headland to
Langland Beach. Caswell has plenty of facilities with kiosks selling ice cream, chip and beach toys, Parking is located about a hundred metres from the beach. The bay at Caswell is a wheelchair accessible beach, with accessible public toilets too. Two floating beach wheelchairs are available for hire free of charge from
Swansea Council, but prior booking is essential. The car park gets quite busy on weekends so it’s worth getting there early if the weather forecast is good. Seasonally there is lifeguard cover at Caswell Bay and a surf school is located here. In 2020 the world’s first purpose-built, fully adaptive surf centre was built at Caswell Bay. The
surf ability centre was built by a team of local volunteers alongside a special episode of the television programme DIY SOS for BBC Children in Need.
Caswell Bay beach is a sought-after spot with surfers and families alike.There is a seasonal dog ban (1st May – 30th September).